Cassius Life Featured Video

Source: Creative Services / iOne Digital

BRUHstrology is where the astral plane and corner store meet. With the expert help of astrologer Janelle Belgrave (and our resident BRUHstrologer, Bruce Goodwin II), CASSIUS decodes your horoscope so you don’t have to. Here’s what’s on deck for the week of May 27, 2018.

BRUHstrology Signs

Source: Creative Services / iOne Digital


The Astrologer Says:

One way to figure out what’s worth investing in is to get out into the greater world to go discover it. This week may have you itching to jump a flight or attend a lecture that’s bound to expand your mind and interests. Try to connect with people, places and things that stir your passion for acting on behalf of (or taking a knee for) those who share your idealistic hopes for the future.

The BRUHstrologer Says:

Vacation time is here, which means you need to come across as a nice guy to your boss when putting in your time. All those times you were 15 minutes late are finally biting you in the ass but play it cool. A weekend getaway might be your last resort, but it’s better than chilling on your couch. Make some moves. That Greyhound bus can be your best friend if you let it.


The Astrologer Says:

As if you’d ever need an excuse to go out and have a good time, Leo, this week will be urging you to check out of work mode for a while. Enjoy any activity that brings playfulness and laughter to the forefront, especially if there’s a chance that romance or chilling with kids is a possibility. Old projects and relationships may come to an end, but worry not—the Universe is conspiring to fill in the void with fresh love and inspiration. Take note, because what’s enjoyed now can deliver bright ideas regarding your career direction later.

The BRUHstrologer Says:

You’re probably living your best Memorial Day Weekend life, and you deserve it… so do it again next weekend. That annoying account or project that you hated at work is finally over. More important, your boss hopefully won’t pair you with Jim again. Those group project memories from high school are too real. Take shit into your own hands and get it done.


The Astrologer Says:

It’s a good week to do some much-needed self-reflection, Sadge. You’ve been putting in tons of work to get your dreams off the ground, and you’re probably seconds away from hitting empty. Find a balance by retreating into yourself. What do you need? What needs to be prioritized so that you feel like a real work-life balance can exist in your life? Full Moons like these can be deeply emotional, so don’t be alarmed if you find yourself in your feelings. Let those closest to you fill you in on blind spots that can be tweaked for the better.

The BRUHstrologer Says:

Self-reflection ain’t fun at all, but it’s something you’ve gotta do—like learning how to wake up before noon once you graduate college. Taking a long, hard, honest look at yourself will help… and also prepare you for a summer full of Fashion Nova ‘fits. Soon come, fellas.

BRUHstrology Signs

Source: Creative Services / iOne Digital


The Astrologer Says:

To change, you have to be willing to let go of the clutter both within and around you. Allow yourself to be transformed this week by tapping into what’s of value to you. Whatever doesn’t meet the criteria, you have full permission to release or donate it to the local goodwill. This doesn’t have to be a tragic occasion. Invite some friends over to help you make space for new passion projects. With your luck, someone will offer investment money to back up one of your new plans.

The BRUHstrologer Says:

Get rid of the things you no longer need in your life. You know damn well you’re not gonna wear that one pair of Jordans you bought to match that lime green shirt. eBay your clutter away and use that money you make to invest in something new. Have we mentioned Fashion Nova for Men is coming soon?


The Astrologer Says:

This week will have you working to find the balance between being out in the world working to achieve your to-do list and learning when to take a rain date for the latest workshop you’ve been invited to do just so you can relax. Reflect on what you’ve learned since you’ve committed to your hustle, then write it out or talk about your experiences with likeminded entrepreneurs who can offer camaraderie and wisdom.

The BRUHstrologer Says:

Balance is essential, and you’re finding out the hard way, but your love life may finally be finding itself after a tough period. Don’t neglect your job, though. Going another round with bae sounds like fun in the morning, but you know your boss is gonna be tight when you’re late again. Learn from your past mistakes, put everything in perspective, and get to it.


The Astrologer Says:

All good things must come to a temporary end, Capricorn. Ideally, you made an effort to enjoy yourself these past few weeks. Now the heavens are drawing you back into your private world to contemplate what you’ve learned while you were out getting into trouble and how to use it to your advantage. For now, just focus on recharging your batteries and unburdening yourself of any hidden toxic emotions that could be blocking your creative drive.

The BRUHstrologer Says:

You’ve been thotting around, Capricorn. Get it together. Spend the next week flushing your system of the endless margaritas you’ve had. Hopefully, you’ll have more clarity afterward instead of just more Tinder matches.

BRUHstrology Signs

Source: Creative Services / iOne Digital


The Astrologer Says:

Alright, alright… playtime is over, Gemini. You’ve been getting your ideas in order for weeks, and now they’re finally aligning with who you are. The more you speak up for yourself and your principles, the better chance you have of hooking up with people who are on the same out-of-this-world wavelength as you are. Pay extra attention to who wants to partner with you for love or business projects, as they may be instrumental in helping you become even clearer about what steps you want to take next.

The BRUHstrologer Says:

Change has come, and the tides are turning in your direction. All the mess you’ve been talking is backed up with the product you’ve been putting out. (Keep it up, Kanye. But please take off the MAGA hat.)


The Astrologer Says:

It’s a busy week for you, Libra. Your phone may constantly be pinging with calls, text, emails and calendar dates under this Full Moon, so try to keep up despite feeling overwhelmed by the pace of activity. It’s a good time to communicate your ideas with confidence despite how strange they might seem to others. So long as what you say is true for you, everything else is gravy. Stay alert, as there could be sudden windfalls that appear when you speak up for your passions.

The BRUHstrologer Says:

You’re gonna be busy AF this week, so be ready for that. And when you’re busy, communication is key. Trying to soften that email? Add an emoji. Ask them how their weekend went even though you don’t give a shit. But as with any busy week, plan for some things to a bit crazy.


The Astrologer Says:

Be amongst the people, Water Bearer, and while you’re at it, be sure to be true to yourself. This isn’t the time to blend into the background. Instead, enjoy sharing and socializing with others who are likeminded and also interested in changing the world alongside you. Time spent with particular groups and projects may come to an end but will be quickly filled with people and ideas that are truer to your vision. Take note of who you hang out with this week, as they could play a role in your career advancement in the future.

The BRUHstrologer Says:

Be an extrovert this week! Nah, forreal tho. Don’t be afraid to tell everyone how much you enjoyed Pusha T’s album for the cocaine glorification that it is… except for your boss, because they might not get it. That’s when you talk about your favorite Tom Petty album because a little conversation with the boss never hurt. Oh, and his best album is Wildflowers.

BRUHstrology Signs

Source: Creative Services / iOne Digital


The Astrologer Says:

You’re letting go of limiting behaviors and habits that have you feeling uncreative and stuck, Cancer. Wrap up projects you’ve been pouring your energy into and open up to the idea of working with people and in environments that leave you feeling inspired. You’re the creator of your personal Universe, so be intentional about what kind of life you want to live. Pro-tip: work on filling your world up with whatever makes you feel good first. You can consider others’ needs later.

The BRUHstrologer Says:

It’s time to get out of that rut you’ve been in, Cancer. Find a new inspiration that doesn’t involve a new muse that doesn’t involve a new girlfriend that doesn’t involve heartbreak. Then again, that might inspire some powerful new work from you. Just look at The Weeknd.


The Astrologer Says:

Time to check your budget, Scorpio. With so much going on in your life, it’s easy to lose track of what’s important to you and what you’ve been spending. If you find yourself overspending or feeling confused about what you want for yourself, take a breather. Remember that your sense of self-worth, and even your bank statement, can be directly linked back to how you’re feeling about yourself. If you need a boost, practice loving up on yourself to re-energize your money and confidence magic.

The BRUHstrologer Says:

Looking at that month-end bank statement got you feeling shook, huh? Learn to budget before you turn into this guy.


The Astrologer Says:

Even though you’ll be lying relatively low this week, don’t let the downtime go to waste. Tap into your creative and philosophical vision. What do you dream about doing and sharing with the world? You may find that you’ll be in high demand in the career realm and given opportunities to put your unique blend of magic on display for those who are interested in your work. If you need a bit of inspiration, daydream at home about your earliest happy memories for clues.

The BRUHstrologer Says:

Lay low. Spend some time making that fire-ass Pinterest board you’ve been doting over, come to real life. Those ‘fits you’ve been planning are now doable. Fashion Nova for Men got you covered.

LAST WEEK’S SCOPES: BRUHstrology: How It’s Goin’ Down (Week of 05/20/18)