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The buttons of the music App 'Spotify' and other Apps on a cellphone screen

Source: Daniel Sambraus / Getty

Meet The Uncensored Playlist, a new journalism initiative that aims to “make free information available where press freedom is not.” Helmed by Reporters Without Borders Germany, the project brings together local journalists and musicians in China, Egypt, Thailand, Uzbekistan, and Vietnam to record and release news-related songs via streaming services like Spotify and Apple Music.

“More than a fundraising or awareness effort, we’re happy to have landed on a unique way—music as a Trojan Horse, of sorts—to allow these censored stories to reach the world,” Bianca Dordea, managing director of creative agency DDB Berlin, said in a statement.

You can learn more about The Uncensored Playlist by watching the video below and visiting the official website.

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Media Studies is CASSIUS’ weekly look at news, moves, and mess-ups in the wild world we call “The Industry.” Got a tip? Email Stephanie Long: slong(at)ionedigital(dot)com.