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National Sidecar Day

The Sidecar is a classic cocktail that combines cognac, orange liqueur, and lemon juice for one of the most refreshing beverages ever. Rémy Martin, one of the world’s oldest cognac brands, put together a delightful trio of cocktails to help celebrate National Sidecar Day (July 30).

The exact origin of the Sidecar sparks debates among cocktail historians. Some believe the drink’s origins are in Paris, while others say it was a creation of the Prohibition Era in America. In our estimation, France would make the most sense as the base of the cocktail is cognac, but the debate kicks up from there.

In Jerry Thomas’ 1862 book How To Mix Drinks, the Brandy Crusta is seen as the root of the Sidecar due to its use of brandy, citrus in the form of lemon juice, and curaçao. Another thought is that a bar in Paris improved upon the recipe at the urging of an American military captain arriving at the establishment in a sidecar on the side of a motorcycle.

“It was invented by a friend of mine at a bar in Paris during World War I and was named after the motorcycle sidecar in which the good captain customarily was driven to and from the little bistro where the drink was born and christened,” David A. Embury wrote in his 1948 book, The Fine Art Of Mixing Drinks.

My exposure to the Sidecar began about 10 years ago as I began leaning into the hobby of cocktail making and studying the classics. I routinely stuck to gin and whiskey cocktails because of my routinely pleasant experiences. I enjoyed it then but I also didn’t quite understand the nuances that come with the cocktail at that point.

That said, I had one of the best versions of the drinks in one of my favorite bars in the world, Dutch Kills in Queens, N.Y. back in 2021. I never got the ratio or what brands they used, but it was a beautiful marriage of sweet and tart that lent itself to being a drink of the summer due to the citrus.

Rémy Martin’s version of the Sidecar uses the house’s 1738 expression, the always reliable and versatile Cointreau, and lemon juice. There are no sugared rims like some bars like to use, which is a wise choice if you’re asking my opinion. Rémy Martin also has two Sidecar variations that are well-positioned to occupy a space in my running list of favorite cocktails.

For National Sidecar Day, check out the recipes below.

The Sidecar

National Sidecar Day


2 oz of Rémy Martin 1738 Accord Royal

3/4 oz Cointreau

3/4 oz Lemon Juice


Pour 2 oz of Rémy Martin 1738 Accord, 3/4 oz of Cointreau and 3/4 oz of Lemon Juice into a shaker filled with ice. Shake, strain and pour into a coupette glass. Finish with lemon peel for freshness.

“Experience the Sidecar as intended.” – D.L.

Belle Sidecar

National Sidecar Day


1 oz of Rémy Martin 1738 Accord Royal

0.5 oz Lemon Juice

0.5 oz Simple Syrup

0.5 oz Belle De Brillet


Pour all ingredients into a shaker filled with ice. Shake, strain and pour into a coupette glass. Finish with lemon peel for freshness

“This Sidecar riff adds a half ounce of Belle De Brillet, a cognac liqueur combined with pears.” – D.L.

Lychee Sidecar

National Sidecar Day


1 oz of Rémy Martin 1738 Accord Royal

0.5 oz Lemon Juice

0.5 oz Simple Syrup

0.5 oz Lychee Liqueur


Pour all ingredients into a shaker filled with ice. Shake, strain and pour into a coupette glass. Garnish with lychee.

“Here in the States, the lychee season is upon us and runs through the summer. This Sidecar version as lychee liqueur for a new twist.” – D.L.

Spritz Sidecar

National Sidecar Day


1 oz of Rémy Martin 1738 Accord Royal

0.5 oz Cointreau

0.5 oz Lemon Juice

0.5 oz Simple Syrup

2 oz Tonic Water

1 oz Champagne


Add all ingredients to a cocktail shake except champagne and tonic water. Shake until well chilled. Strain over ice into a highball glass and top with champagne and tonic water. Garnish with orange peel or slice.

“The addition of champagne makes this drink a perfect summertime sip. And who doesn’t love a spritz when it’s warm out?” – D.L.

Photo: Rémy Martin