Cassius Life Featured Video

Source: Creative Services / iOne Digital

BRUHstrology is where the astral plane and corner store meet. With the expert help of astrologer Janelle Belgrave (and our resident BRUHstrologer, Bruce Goodwin II), CASSIUS decodes your horoscope so you don’t have to. Here’s what’s on deck for the week of August 19, 2018.

BRUHstrology Signs

Source: Creative Services / iOne Digital


The Astrologer Says:

Virgo season presents an opportunity for you to get your day-to-day goals in order, Aries. Think of it like back-to-school supply shopping, but for your life. Do you have all the tools and frameworks necessary to graduate to the next level? Are your routines getting you the results you want financially? Give a little extra attention to how you can tighten up and get rid of financial leaks that may be draining your accounts. Also consider what hobbies and skills are currently sitting unused that can give you a push in the direction you want.

The BRUHstrologer Says:

Back-to-school shopping was always lit. Buying school supplies? Eh. Getting new fits from your favorite stores at the mall? That’s more like it. But just like back then, remember to be financially responsible and spend money on your needs first.


The Astrologer Says:

Your efforts to invest in being the best version of you should start to pay off starting this week, Leo. Think of all the ways you’ve committed to your health and well-being and made changes to your day-to-day to make the best of your time. Also honor the strides you’ve made—both big and small—to stand out in the work you do. This is the time to enjoy the fruits of your labor and feel the confidence that comes with a job well done. Basically: treat yoself, Leo. Relish in the gains you’ve made both in your finances and your sense of self-worth. You deserve.

The BRUHstrologer Says:

You’ve been trying to figure out how to become a better you, and that starts will investing in yourself. That gym membership you’ve been putting off since the top of the year? Go cop it. Atleast it gives you a good excuse to buy new sneakers and workout gear. You can’t be out here looking bummy, dog.


The Astrologer Says:

Chances are that you’ve gotten lost in the details of your big picture rather than actually doing the work, Sadge. Virgo season gives you an opportunity to throw your energy into your worldly ambitions while also cutting away all the busy-bodying you’ve been mistaking as productivity. Break your vision down into parts and work on each part bit by bit. That’s it. That’s the secret to your success. The other secret is to lean into your confidence because you know what you’re doing. Tweak the schedule to one that makes sense and pushes you to show up and you’re golden.

The BRUHstrologer Says:

You’ve been doing a lot of something and figuring out it’s really nothing, right? Doing things like buying followers *points fingers* may seem productive until the Twitter police swoop it. This is just a reminder to pay more attention to where you’re focusing all your creative energy.

BRUHstrology Signs

Source: Creative Services / iOne Digital


The Astrologer Says:

If the eclipses have left you feeling a little battered, consider taking some time out to have fun. Face it: many of the things that are happening in your world is just beyond your immediate control, so why sweat it? The only thing that’s for certain right now is the fact that you’ve changed. Your worldview is different, your perception of who you are in different, so as your old world falls away, why not go out and play? Go out and express the person that you’re in the process of becoming and do the things that bring you pleasure. Look cute while you do it, because people will be watching you and wanting to “play” with you, too. *Wink wink*

The BRUHstrologer Says:

You’ve had a tough couple weeks, huh? Blame it on the eclipse. I have no idea what that is, but let’s blame it on that instead of taking responsibility for our actions because… yuck. But whatever, the eclipse has changed you, and now it’s time to own up to the new you. Oh, and the new you will attract some new baes, too.


The Astrologer Says:

Happy Solar Return, Virgo! As I’m sure you’ve already made meticulous plans of how you’re going to celebrate your season, here’s some celestial well wishes for your next year of life. Honor your changing perspective and the new ideals that you’re coming to embrace. Take pride in your talents and your ability to create in ways that not only beautify but also improve people’s lives. Remember that while perfection is a near impossible goal, your “just alright” or “pretty good” sets the bar higher every time. Give yourself some credit and go celebrate.

The BRUHstrologer Says:

It’s your season, which means you can do whatever the f*ck you want. Your excuse to everyone, including to your boss, who has noticed that you keep showing up to work late every day is that it’s your birthday season. Sure you can get fired, but you deserve to let loose after the tough few months (or year) that you’ve had.


The Astrologer Says:

Your world is unlikely to expand any further if you never step outside of your comfort zone, Seagoat. Yes, it’s totally fine to enjoy the things that you do and have routines that give a sense of security, but ask yourself when’s the last time you felt excited for the day ahead of you. This week, choose adventure and spontaneity to get your inspiration back into the game. Mix it up, go to the museums and parks, book a ticket someplace new—anything to broaden your horizons. It’s a big, big world out there. Have you seen enough of it to know what else is out there for you? Dare to dream bigger for yourself, Capricorn, then go after it.

The BRUHstrologer Says:

Anything worth having isn’t easy to get and you surely won’t get it if your stay in your damn comfort zone. Try doing something new and you’ll be surprised how much your worldview will change. Do something adventurous this week, even if it’s only trying some new food. I promise pho won’t kill you, bro.

BRUHstrology Signs

Source: Creative Services / iOne Digital


The Astrologer Says:

Simmer down, Gemini—preferably at home, because you need a break and time to get your bearings. These last few months have been hectic even for you and now you may be feeling the strong urge to rest and get re-centered. Think of this as a nesting season where you can make home as nurturing to your needs as possible so that you can get your mind to quiet down enough for you to rest, relax and focus. Downtime spent reflecting on how much you’ve grown with a few cuddles thrown in would do you a world of good.

The BRUHstrologer Says:

It’s time for you to get your crib together, man. With all that stress you’ve been feeling lately, your spot needs to make you feel better. Perhaps you should light some sage to get rid of your crazy ex’s energy, or maybe just light some incense to get rid of the smell from you not washing laundry regularly. Whatever it is, fix it.


The Astrologer Says:

You may be feeling the need to hang back in the privacy of your own home more than usually over the next few weeks, Libra. That’s fine, fill the solo time with chill activities like listening to music and watching movies just to get back to you and the things that you take pleasure in on your own. This week provides supportive energy to help you reflect on some of the heavier emotional challenges you had this year and how you want to handle them going forward. Remember: this is your life and your dream. You get to sit in the director’s chair and decide how the next chapter of your life story unfolds. And scene.

The BRUHstrologer Says:

Yes, summer is almost over and you’d love to be out in these streets for the next few weekends, but you should probably hang back. Not only will you save money, but you’ll also save yourself some headaches from creating alibis about where you’ve been to that certain person. Spend that time reflecting on your passions instead.


The Astrologer Says:

This week consider your close and intimate relationships, Aquarius, especially the ones that push you to share resources and close quarters with each other. Are you getting what you need out of these bonds? Are you willing to be vulnerable enough to get your needs met without having to play games? You’ll see that life suddenly gets going when you open up to let people share in some of the burden. Main point is practice pushing past your fears so that you can re-write what intimacy and support looks like in your life. You don’t have to hide yourself or go it alone, Water Bearer.

The BRUHstrologer Says:

You’ve been killing it professionally, right? Well now it’s time to get your personal life together because it’s not looking too good right now. The relationships that have been strained as of late need to be fixed no matter how scared you are of doing so. It’ll all work out in the end and that’s all that matters.

BRUHstrology Signs

Source: Creative Services / iOne Digital


The Astrologer Says:

The energy this week presents opportunities to work on your communication and multi-tasking skills, Cancer. If you were twiddling your thumbs before, you can expect a sudden flurry of activity coming to your calendar that forces you to stay on top of your schedule and to-do list. Just be sure to leave some room for your social life and connecting with people that you may have crossed wires with in the past, as this week can give you the confidence needed to communicate with clarity and authority. Think of it this way, the more people understand where you’re coming from, the easier it is for them to get on board to support you (or not, and that’s cool, too.)

The BRUHstrologer Says:

You aren’t the best communicator, but it’s all good because you’re starting to realize it and (maybe?) fix it. It’ll be hard because you have a busy week ahead of you, but let’s start with answering your texts for once. People are really getting tired of those “I’m just seeing this!” excuses. Be better.


The Astrologer Says:

What’s the wish for the future, Scorpio? This week, your focus shifts towards what’s coming next and all the wishes that you’d like to see come true, not only for yourself, but for the people you consider your friends and has similar vision for their own future. Chill with your people and bask in your goals, as this will be part of the fuel that keeps you going forward when the going gets tough. Remind yourself that you already have the expertise, knowledge and connections to make any dream become a reality. ‘Til then, raise your cups and dream of the tomorrow you want with every intention of seeing it come to fruition.

The BRUHstrologer Says:

Whatever you want to pop off in the future, the preparation starts now. So, while 90-Day Fiancé is very entertaining, maybe you should spend your time doing something a bit more productive. Talk to your squad and feed off their positive energy.


The Astrologer Says:

You get the honor of focusing on your relationships and partnerships this week, Pisces. It may be time to cut ties with people who are no longer in your circle, as well as encourage those that you still love and respect to come over for a drink. Remember: you’re the ringleader of your relationship dynamics, so choose the ones the inspire you to remain curious and hopeful for the future. It boils down to making the time to commit to your partnerships. Depending on how you go about this, you could find yourself amongst people who want to take your bold ideas to the next step. Open up, because you never know who’s waiting to send a little love and support your way.

The BRUHstrologer Says:

Yes, it’s time to cut ties with THAT person. You’ve been putting it off because it’s the summer and they make a great drinking buddy (and often pick up the tab), but there’s more to life and a friend. Focus on your real friends and watch the relationships blossom.

LAST WEEK’S SCOPES: BRUHstrology: How It’s Goin’ Down (Week of 08/12/18)