Cassius Life Featured Video

Source: Creative Services / iOne Digital

BRUHstrology is where the astral plane and corner store meet. With the expert help of astrologer Janelle Belgrave (and our resident BRUHstrologer, Bruce Goodwin II), CASSIUS decodes your horoscope so you don’t have to. Here’s what’s on deck for the week of October 14, 2018.

BRUHstrology Signs

Source: Creative Services / iOne Digital


The Astrologer Says:

So what’s the deal, Aries? Do you feel like your friends truly understand where you stand or do you need to have a sit-down conversation about your shared ideals? It’s time to admit to yourself that you do feel strongly about certain topics and having friends that feel similarly to you is important. You’ve never been one to back down from a fight, so don’t start now. If you find yourself having to defend your passions, do so, but try to find creative ways to communicate it so that your crew understands exactly where you’re coming from. Keep in mind that not everyone is going to agree, and you may have to decide if that’s a deal breaker or not.

The BRUHstrologer Says:

The homies still wanna party every night, but you’re boo’d up and would rather watch This Is Us. It’s cool, just let them know—and promise them you’ll still be with the shits every once in a while. Find your balance.


The Astrologer Says:

This is the week to air out all the tensions you’ve been holding onto in regards to your family and close relationships, Leo. Chances are the words said will have a sting, but they need to be heard and taken into consideration so there’s a chance of peace between you and loved ones. Just remember: if you dish it, you should be able to take it, too. A bit of screaming never hurt nobody, nor has tears, but clinging to being right may lose you more than you bargained for if you’re not careful. Come to the table in good faith with patience and a sense of humor and hopefully creative brainstorming can smooth out the worst of your family dramas.

The BRUHstrologer Says:

It’s been long-ass week (or year) for ya and you need a break. That crazy high-stress level you’ve been holding on to needs to get released, whether it be a good cry, an argumentative phone call, or a diss track. You need to get it out and move past it.


The Astrologer Says:

You may have to retreat into your private world to recoup your energy this week, Sagittarius. With Mars creating assertive speech and ample miscommunications, you may be ready to throw up your hands and call it quits. You’ve discovered that people close to you or even just in close proximity (did that bus driver just give you the stank eye!?) are more irritable and all you want to do is chill, nap, and meditate. If you find that you simply can’t say something nice, let it drop unless you’re ready for a fight. Another option is to use the time spent chilling and daydreaming to be creative, bust out the dream journal, or dust off that project you haven’t worked on in a while.

The BRUHstrologer Says:

Yup, it’s one of those weeks where you need to just chill. There’s nothing wrong with cancelling all your plans this week to watch shitty Halloween movies at home with your significant other. Just be ready to get back to it next week.

BRUHstrology Signs

Source: Creative Services / iOne Digital


The Astrologer Says:

This week, have a chat about how your ambitions and career strides are influencing your relationships, Taurus. Perhaps it’s time to consider setting up boundaries where necessary. Your loved ones may kick up a fuss about your long hours and feeling neglected. Or maybe the projects your working on, while engaging and exciting, are leaving you feeling tired and frustrated. Draw your line in the sand this week and commit to taking action on new ways to find something that works for all parties involved.

The BRUHstrologer Says:

You’ve been playing with the idea of what you wanna do in life or the logical next step in your professional career, but now’s the time to put it into play. Figure out what you want then get to it. It will take time to see it all come together, but you’ll feel amazing once all the hard work pays off.


The Astrologer Says:

The Heavens are begging you to get out of your head, Virgo. It’s time for some action. Take that running to-do list and start executing it. If you’re really about getting out into the neighborhood, don’t just say it—do it. It’s a lot to do, and if you find yourself becoming spicy and edgy, try to keep your cool. It’s the kind of week where misunderstandings and snap judgements lead to blow ups that can be avoided with a little tact.

The BRUHstrologer Says:

You just love making lists don’t you? But you know what’s better than making lists? Executing every bullet point that’s on the list and proudly checking off those boxes.


The Astrologer Says:

It could be time for you to take a stand for your values, Capricorn, especially when you have to speak up to your friends and people you collaborate with. The energy this week is such that you find yourself feeling deeply for what you believe in and not having it within you to back down when challenged. You may have to think on your feet, mind your mouth, and do your best to not be judgmental when you hear a point of view that doesn’t resonate with you. Keep in mind that disagreements can create the kind of friction that leads to something potentially productive, so do your best to listen then react instead of blowing up or shutting down.

The BRUHstrologer Says:

Finding that fine line between your values and the values of the world so you can live harmoniously is hard AF. But sometimes you just gotta talk your sh*t and hopefully you don’t offend everyone else— and the time for that is riiiiiiight about now.

BRUHstrology Signs

Source: Creative Services / iOne Digital


The Astrologer Says:

Opinion and fact are two different things, Gemini, and this may be the week where you realize that arguing over these beliefs isn’t amounting to anything productive. Instead of jumping to conclusions or dismissing people because they don’t share your point of view, consider actually putting your big ideas into action. Do they add up? Can they exist in this sphere of reality? Or does it fall just short of your expectations? It’s not an issue if your ideas are just that—ideas. But be mindful about pushing those ideas with no way to support them, causing people not to talk to you anymore because of it.

The BRUHstrologer Says:

“Opinion and fact are two different things.” You hear that, Kanye?


The Astrologer Says:

Find your inspiration this week, Libra, and put those creative thoughts into potentially money making schemes while you’re at it. It’s time to get over the indecision and confusion that you have and put your ideas into action. Think fast! What’s it going to be? Yes or No? Stop or Go? I promise you’ll feel much better once you decide to move in any direction. And guess what: if you mess up, you can always laugh and try again. See? Easy. Now go make something, anything, happen.

The BRUHstrologer Says:

We know how hard it is to find inspiration in a free world (allegedly) ruled by Trump, but you gotta do what you gotta do. Make a decision about what makes you happy and take the necessary steps to make it happen. Self-care is real thing, and yes, buying yourself a new pair of butter Timbs counts.


The Astrologer Says:

With Mars finally out of his backwards energy, it’s time for you to shine, Waterbearer. This is the week to assert yourself and put your unique individuality on display for the world to see. Those projects and ideas that you’ve been holding off on at work deserve to been seen and heard, so why not present it and see what happens. Just be careful that your new found swagger and confidence doesn’t come off as pushy or aggressive. You don’t need to alienate or offend anyone on the job and end up in a fight.

The BRUHstrologer Says:

Mars is finally normal again! That means all the hardships you’ve been having at the office should soon be solved. But just in case, you should keep a bottle of something strong in the bottom of your drawer in case you need to schedule your own personal happy hour at 11 a.m. We’ve all been there… I think.

BRUHstrology Signs

Source: Creative Services / iOne Digital


The Astrologer Says:

You may have to practice being a mad creative genius this week, Cancer, so that you can take all the backed up emotional tension you’ve been struggling with and funnel it into something beautiful. If you’re artistically inclined, this can be in the form of writing, painting, or dance. But if you aren’t, don’t let that stop you from finding an outlet for your angst. The point is to find creative, fun and cathartic ways to move the darker emotions out of your mind, body and spirit so that you feel lighter and brighter on the other side. Just try not to indulge in vices that can catch up to you later. Being impulsive with this energy can be fun until you’re suddenly in lockup and you can’t remember why.

The BRUHstrologer Says:

When you can express yourself creatively and it not only helps rid you of dark thoughts but also pays bills, it’s lit right? Well, you can have that life if you try hard enough.


The Astrologer Says:

When it comes to all things related to home and family, it’s best to be decisive this week, Scorpio. With Mercury—the planet of communication—in your sign, it’ll be easier to express yourself, but be mindful about jumping to conclusions. You may be facing irritations in the form of annoying landlords, nagging parents, or that faucet that won’t stop leaking and you’ve had enough. Speak honestly and assertively, and when the time comes, be about that action without breaking too many toes.

The BRUHstrologer Says:

Is every Scorpio having as hard a week as Drake? If so, we’re praying for you. It’ll all be over soon.


The Astrologer Says:

Take all the secret anger and frustration you’ve been feeling, Pisces, and put it out into the world so that it can do some good. Whether you have a pulpit, a podium, or a platform, why not preach a good word that leaves people inspired and ready to take action? This is the kind of week that asks you to use your behind-the-scenes energy for the greater good. Teach people to connect with their own passion. Publish your thoughts, broadcast your rage, and see if you can inspire others to do the same for the greater good. Everything and everyone is connected, so why not start the wave that gets us all going?

The BRUHstrologer Says:

Channeling all that anger you’ve been feeling into something positive for the rest of the world is selfless AF. Even if it’s those terrible positive tweets you get off. Get those tweets off, king.

LAST WEEK’S SCOPES: BRUHstrology: How It’s Goin’ Down (Week of 10/07/18)