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While we’re lowkey side-eyeing you for already flaking on your New Year goals, we get it—according to stats, a whole 80 percent of Americans drop out of their New Year’s resolutions by the second week of February. If you find yourself in this bracket, we’ve got some encouragement for you.

Here’s how to realign yourself for the rest of the year ahead:

Set Short-Term, Day-to-Day Goals

Instead of setting a single long-term goal that you’re forced to keep up with throughout the year (which—let’s be honest— can get a bit boring), why not try taking things day-by-day? It’s one thing to say you’re going to lose weight (or get those gains) in the New Year, but it’s another to wake up in the morning and plan your meals to ensure you’re making healthy choices throughout the day. The goal here is to not only make attaining your goals less overwhelming, but to also frame them in a manner that’s way more realistic and much easier to manage.

If You Must Set Another Resolution, At Least Be Realistic About It

So you told yourself you were going to find a new job by January 1. That’s great and all, but considering the hiring process is mostly out of your control (you can body that interview, but it’s basically a wait-and-see game from there), you preeetty much already set yourself up for failure. Yes, have an optimistic outlook and hope you get the job, but maybe your new resolution could be something more like getting off your ass and hitting up more networking events—even when it’s freezing out (bundle up and quite your whining)—to increase your career opportunities. Or maybe you land a job by getting your own business off the ground and becoming your own boss. Whatever your next resolution ends up being, just make sure it can actually happen in the given time frame.

Or, Just Let It Go

Sometimes being present and going with the ebb and flow of life is more than enough. Oftentimes, trying to fulfill resolutions can unintentionally cause us to live rigidly, being so focused on one particular outcome that we leave no room for alternative endings. Sure, it’d be great to move into a new apartment this year, but what if your next golden opportunity awaits you in your current neighborhood? Slow down a little, and think about it.