About Barbara Gonzalez, Associate Culture Editor

"It's a constant struggle within the Latino community to be seen."

"I know when I write it's often to protect myself from the trauma that the world brings."

Everybody knows Cardi can get a fit off, but now we know her costume game is just as fire. Monday night at BACARDI’s “Dress To Be Free” party, she performed in a costume just as bold as her persona. She donned a back and white fur coat, wig, black bustier, and a cigarette holder for […]

We’ve got some words for those of y’all who don’t think kids value their education: think again. Students from Milwaukee Excellence Charter School went viral with their remix of Tee Grizzley’s “First Day Out.” In the video, they rap about how nothing will stop them from reaching for the stars and persuing higher education. The […]

Are you brave like Eleven or a cynic like Lucas?