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Big Facts

Russian journalist Nikolai Andrushchenko has been reported dead after being brutally attacked in St. Petersburg in March. “He suffered major blunt trauma to his head, was hospitalized, and put into a medically-induced coma from which he never recovered,” reports The Moscow Times. While the 73-year-old’s attackers have yet to be identified, Russian media outlets are linking his investigative reporting on corruption—including a series of articles about city officials’ mafia ties—as possible cause for attack.

Big Lies

We know you’re sick of reading about Nkechi Amera Diallo Rachel Dolezal, but her latest interview with Ijeoma Oluo for The Stranger is one of the realest things you’ll read all day. It’s the interview you were subconsciously waiting for. The read of all reads. When Dolezal actually accused Oluo of trying to make her look whiter than she is—like that’s even possible—we almost spit out our morning tea. Hats off to Oluo for sitting with her for as long as she did, because like…

Big News

Tucker Carlson—who was chided for his insensitive remarks during a February interview with Jillian Weiss of the Transgender Legal Defense & Education Fund, and ALSO told Teen Vogue’s Lauren Duca that she should “stick to the thigh-high boots” because she’s “better at that” back in December—is taking over The Factor’s time slot in the wake of O’Reilly’s removal. ‘Kay.

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