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Republican National Convention: Day Two

Source: John Moore / Getty

Big Lies

Alright. We’re gonna try to sum this up as succinctly as possible, because as you probably know, a lot happened in Trumpgate yesterday (and we really do mean a lot). Basically: what has everyone talking right now is the fact that “high-quality person” Donald Trump Jr. leaked a chain of emails that pretty much confirms he was aware of Russia’s intent to help his father win the presidency. Along with that email chain was a statement released on Trump Jr.’s behalf in an attempt to be “totally transparent.” Note: The New York Times pointed out the emails shared in the tweet below weren’t uploaded in chronological order. The news org has taken care of that for you here.

Sen. Tim Kaine, Clinton’s former running mate, had some thoughts on the whole hot-ass mess. “We’re now beyond obstruction of justice,” he said regarding Trump Jr. agreeing to meet with a Russian lawyer with the intent of retrieving compromising info on Clinton. “This is moving into perjury…and potentially treason.”

According to CNN, it looks like Jared Kushner’s also catching heat for his role in that meeting. Perhaps this is all part of the reason this GOP congressman quit the Republican party:

Big Facts

Nevada’s only been selling recreational marijuana for two weeks and the state’s already running out (What y’all doing over there!? Lol). Sales were way beyond what was initially expected, with lines reportedly “out the door” once recreational Mary Jane went on sale July 1. “Gov. Brian Sandoval has endorsed the Department of Taxation’s Statement of Emergency,” reports NBC News, “which would allow Nevada to adopt temporary regulations regarding the licensing of marijuana distributors.” The Nevada Tax Commission is also considering emergency regulations on July 13, potentially opening doors for liquor wholesalers to jump into the marijuana business.

Read more here.

Big News

There’s a really dope Black girl asserting her greatness in the world of polo and she’s only 19. HuffPost caught up with Philadelphia’s Shariah Harris, who was out here flexing at Connecticut’s Tony Greenwich Polo Club as part of the Postage Stamp Farm team in the Silver Cup tournament. She’s now the first Black woman to play high-goal polo, which HuffPost notes as “the top tier of polo in the U.S.” Gon’head, Shariah.

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