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Ray Allen Says He Received Death Threats From Boston Celtics Fans

Source: Icon Sports Wire / Getty

It should never be this serious…period.


It’s been roughly eight years since Ray Allen decided to move on from the Boston Celtics unceremoniously saying goodbye to Paul Pierce and Kevin Garnett and hello to the Miami Heat. The decision resulted in a well-documented rift between the original big three that is still going on today.

Allen decided to open up about his fractured relationship with his former Celtics teammates and the Boston fans during an interview on former Celtics forward Cedric Maxwell’s podcast. Allen opened up by pointing out, “I left as a free agent,’ he also revealed, “I left because there were so many unresolved issues that the team wasn’t considering or willing to change.”

Allen turned down a two-year deal to return to Boston opting to join LeBron James, Dwayne Wade, and Chris Bosh in Miami, who just bounced the Boston Celtics from the 2012 Eastern Conference Finals. The move at the time was considered one of the most traitorous decisions in NBA history until Kevin Durant told him to hold his beer.

Garnett, Pierce, and Rajon Rondo all considered the move as an act of betrayal and distanced themselves from Allen. In the interview, Allen touched on the rift and points out they still haven’t forgiven him.

“These guys kind of removed me from the ‘Big Three,’ said so many negative things about me, and I haven’t had one negative thing to say about any of them. We had tough times, we’re brothers. We went through a lot. But that doesn’t change anything that we’ve done. It hurt me over the course of this time just to hear some of the things that have been said.”

Boston fans took things unnecessarily further and sent the NBA sharpshooter death threats after he made his free-agent decision.

“You’re talking about nine years now, and I’ve gotten so much hate, death threats, vitriol from Boston fans.

Allen’s coach during his Celtics tenure, Doc Rivers expressed that he would like to see Allen in Boston when the Celtics retire Garnetts jersey and that fans will give him a standing ovation when he returns. Allen isn’t so sure about that.

“As far as me being there, I think that is a subject that is really undecided yet. It would take Kevin and I to have a conversation moving forward.”

While it still might be a longshot when it comes to patching up things with Garnett. But when it came to Paul Pierce, there was a glimmer of hope. The former teammates seemed to have called a truce years ago and even took a photo together, and Piere shared it on his Instagram account.

We sincerely hope Allen, Garnett, and Pierce can move on from this, but as of right now, that doesn’t seem like it’s going to happen.

Photo: Icon Sports Wire / Getty