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HBCU Futurist is back with brand new episodes. This inspiring series highlights trailblazing innovators from historically Black colleges and universities (HBCUs) and connects emerging leaders with industry veterans for important conversations. In each episode, they discuss what they’re doing to uplift their communities and transform their industries.

In Episode 1, HBCU student leader Caleb Davis connects with HBCU accelerator founder Marlon Evans to discuss why it’s important to invest in entrepreneurs from Black colleges and universities.

Caleb Davis is an HBCU student leader and founder

Caleb Davis is the founder of Sow Give Inc., a nonprofit organization helping students secure degrees debt-free. After graduating from Howard University with a degree in electrical engineering, Davis earned his MBA at Huston-Tillotson University, his hometown HBCU in Austin, Texas.

Through Sow Give, Davis aims to connect students with the right resources for success. “Our goal is to look at the holistic student beyond just the numerical GPA and to find the right resources that apply to that individual person’s journey. We help with the roadmap,” says Davis.

HBCU Founders Accelerator gives startups a boost

Marlon Evans is the CEO of Nex Cubed, a venture accelerator which provides funding and guidance to up-and-coming business leaders from underserved communities. “We invest in early-stage startups and provide them with capital and advisory support. Our job is to help them get ready to go out and raise that next round of capital,” says Evans.

Nex Cubed is home to the HBCU Founders Accelerator, a 16-week intensive program that provides resources and mentorship to HBCU-led startups. Having access to this kind of support as a startup company is invaluable.

“At HBCUs in particular, having that ongoing connective tissue to say, ‘I have an idea, what do I do next?’ is critical to addressing some of those major problems that we’re dealing with right now,” says Evans. “At Nex Cubed, that’s our goal, so that those great ideas don’t just die on the vine.”

Learn more about the HBCU Founders Accelerator here. Applications are currently open for eligible startups.

Keep up with future episodes of HBCU Futurist right here on