Cassius Life Featured Video

The summer is here, which means that more folks will make time to hit up at least one beach, grab a plate at somebody’s cookout and stroll down the pavement of a jam-packed street during some sorta of festival. Of course, the abundance of exposed bronzed skin makes people a bit more adventurous, especially sexually. There is nothing wrong with hooking up, but if you’re going to let someone blow your mind, you’ve got to think beyond foreplay.

Check out these tips on how to navigate through your fling—from start to end—with ease.

1 Check Your Emotions at the Door

It’s natural to “catch feelings” after a rousing sex session thanks to the power of oxytocin, which is released during the experience, but—unless you happen to fall lap first into your soul mate—keep it simple. That means no mixed messages. There’s no breakfast making in the a.m. Keep your childhood issues to yourself. And kill the follow-up texts after a safety check. It’s just SEX. Don’t let the chemical cocktail that releases into your bloodstream make you believe you’re “in like” and start acting like you’re beginning a relationship…that requires more vetting than just making sure you have the proper penis-to-hole ratio. Ain’t nothing wrong with a little bump and grind, especially when two adults consent. Just keep it casual.

2 Get the Most Out of a Hit and Run 

What do you want to achieve with this sexual encounter? Don’t simply leave your outcome up to chance. Use this opportunity to upgrade your slay. Newbies are an awesome chance to try out that new position you peeped in your favorite flick or bone up (pun intended) on the stroke you couldn’t perfect with your last bae.

3 Let it Go Down in the DM

Don’t give a temporary partner permanent access to your life. Who wants a slide blowing up their cell at work or late night? Use direct messaging via Snapchat, Instagram, Twitter or Facebook instead. This lets the person know “what it is,” limits the expectation of immediate response and prevents you from having to read messages all day on your main line. Another perk? You can also scroll through that person’s profile and learn more about them. If ever things get a little weird, the block button is there for you to use at your discretion.

4 Location, Location, Location

Vacationing tends to add natural ambiance to any sex scenario since you’re more likely to be in a hotel or AirBNB that’s well appointed. Whether you’re taking someone to your spot or rolling with your new partner, make sure it’s a space that has the green light. You don’t want angry roommates or neighbors complaining about guests…and the noises coming from the room.

5 Believe in Happy Endings

Always carry condoms—and use them throughout the entire experience. Getting a few strokes in before applying the condom is just as dangerous as going raw the entire time. Going bareback without knowing your partner’s status is like playing Russian roulette with your genitals. Don’t take a chance with your sexual health for a few moments of satisfaction.

6 Get. It. Popping.

Be confident. Whether you’re carrying an elephant trunk or sausage link, got more booty than Amber Rose or a cutie sans the fattie like Chanel Iman, you’ve got to come thru with like you’re the ish. Laugh, play and kill it in between the sheets. You only live once so have a good time and create some awesome stories to take back to your friends at happy hour.