About Alex Zephyr

Kanye West continues to deal with fallout from cancelling his Coachella 2022 performance at the last minute, as the rapper is now facing a new $7 million lawsuit.

Drake has spent a lot of time streaming on Twitch lately, in support of the online casino Stake. So one particular streamer opted to gift The 6 God with a tricked out gaming PC that cost nearly $8,000.

Coming soon, Hasbro can turn you into one of your favorite action figures from Ghostbusters, G.I. Joe, the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and more action figures. The manufacturer of some of the world’s most popular games and toys partnered with a 3D printing company called Formlabs to launch the Hasbro Selfie Series. Hasbro had actually been […]


Kanye West has so much beef with one particular Australian burger shop owner using him for inspiration that the rapper is now threatening legal action unless the restaurateur stops.