Two New York senators are hoping to make an overdue change.

The Well

Summer is coming to an end, which means if you’re just “having fun” with someone your mental clock is telling you it’s time to to cool down. But things aren’t over yet. The weather is still warm, and you actually look forward to leaving the house, so wrap things up on a high note.  Here […]

The Well

Erections are a natural biological response to sexual stimuli, but sometimes dicks don’t always cooperate with how you’re feeling. You can be aroused, but your lingam doesn’t seem to be following the script. If you’re having issues with maintaining hard erections, chances are you’re experiencing ED, better known as erectile dysfunction. The most important thing […]

The Well

The average dude assumes that if he’s feeling pleasure his partner is too—and that’s where he’s losing. Being a slayer isn’t just about doing freaking stuff; it’s also about technique. Mastering the way you switch up your rhythm, depth of stroke and positioning will ensure you receive the ultimate compliment every time you put it […]

The Well

There's no quick fix.

Study finds drinking changes how men respond to rejection — and not in a good way.

The Well

Got more than one “significant other”? There’s a good chance that all parties are pretty damn happy. Researchers sought to find out whether people in open relationships were content with their situations or secretly yearning to get chose by the “one” they loved.  What they found wasn’t too shocking. The study determined that relationship satisfaction […]